04 December 2011

Anim on the first + second sequence

No matter how much I cry, the eyeline does not match with the flying box during the second sequence...

29 November 2011

Anim on the first sequence

Matching the anim + base MOV

With After Effects;

1. Removed the green screen with mask.

2. Applied "Roughten edges" to the animation to soften the jagginess created after the separation from the green screen.

3. Color corrected the animation to match with the bluish base movie.

Animation sequence 002

The animation to be matched in the below image.

Animation sequence 001

The animation will be later attached to the image below.

Animating with green screen

I have animated the boxes with green screen in order for me to later remove unwanted background with minimum pain.

As this is the first time I tried to create an AR movie, it took me a significant amount of time and a 3D Max expert support to complete the below process;

1. Modeling an opened book in 3D max with exact measurement of the Moleskine notebook I used.

2. Matching the notebook angle and the camera angle in order to place the 3D animation later in the similar manner in which I have tried during my previous projection mapping project.

3. Animating boxes in the modeled notebook.

4. Rendering and exporting the 3D video with previously fixed the camera angle.

5. Matching the original base movie and the 3D animation in After Effect.

28 November 2011

Flying boxes

The basic ideas of how I would like to animate boxes on the notebook in the Virtual Pop-up Book Base MOV Reshoot 001 that I have previously shot.

16 November 2011

Reshoot light source

Reshoot with my muse

Yuri Endo 2011

Thanks to my last shoot and the revised storyboard, I felt as though I was able to get better shots this time. Stay tuned for the new footage and animation.

The art of storyboarding

Storyboarding instruction by David Hall

It's absolutely unfortunate that I had never had a proper storyboarding education during my film school years. Following the advice, I would definitely give SketchBook pro + Wacom a try next time to refine my skill.

Re-shoot storyboard/shot list

13 November 2011


The animation inside the book would be as minimalistic as possible; various boxes changing shapes and patterns.

I've succeeded in importing image sequences and creating the image based lighting with stitched light source images. However the movie is not playing correctly. The "Munny" nightmare once again...

Base MOV 002

Base MOV 001

Due to the technical difficulty ( my DSLR started misbehaving again), I missed some crucial shots. As the captured images are also lacking depth on the whole, I'm going to re-shoot it this week.

12 November 2011

Light source

New location

Yuri Endo 2011

After a long contemplation, I have decided to go back to my initial plan rather than building my own set and working on the goth piñata. I will be placing a girl in the location pictured above and have her flip the blank Moleskin note book.

06 November 2011

Goth piñata modeling

Yuri Endo 2011

This looks like a dog rather than a donkey...

09 October 2011


Yuri Endo 2011

Went grunge

Yuri Endo 2011

For this image, I merged 7 images with different exposures and chose the Enhence-Grunge option in Photomatix.

HDR experiment

Yuri Endo 2011

The above image is the result of my first HDR attempt. Utilizing the auto bracket feature on Lumix DMC-GH1, I took 7 different exposures of the location and merged the images in Photomatix. Frankly, I am not too sure whether I have succeeded in creating my first HDR photography as I am still trying to figure out how are HDR images supposed to look like.

27 September 2011

Image based lighting

Yuri Endo 2011

After utilizing the spherical panoramic image for the light source, I played around with two spheres' reflection, transparency and colors. My next step is to improve their colors, transparency and image distortion behind so they would look more believable as two soap bubbles floating around.

Use Background

Yuri Endo 2011

I just started to understand how the plate can cast shadows on plate using "background" function.

26 September 2011

Transparent specimens

Yuri Endo 2011

I just encountered a curious art piece by a Japanese artist, Iori Tomita, at Korea International Art Fair. As seen in the picture above, he takes the scientific technique of preserving dying organism specimens to whole new level. (Find out more) Although I'm not particularly a specimen aficionado, the visual impacts those chromatic dead animals gave me was rather intense. In that sense, I've been contemplating wether there are any ways to adopt this very visual effects to my pop-up world.

25 September 2011

3D exercise: Step 3

Work in progress...

3D exercise: Step 2

Yuri Endo 2011

360°panoramic images for the lighting.

3D excercise: Step 1

Yuri Endo 2011

My base location plate to composiet a simple 3D image.

20 September 2011

Fantastic Mr. Caliri

The title sequence from United States of Tara by Jamie Caliri

I believe most of his works are consist of digital stills from a stop motion shots, then composed with After Effects, however for this TV opening title, he effectively uses pop-up book concept to illustrate the world of Tara, the protagonist of the show. Although this is not exactly what I intend to achieve from my project, it still is my favorite and an inspiration.

Next 4 weeks

Some more scrabbles

As a preparation for my final output as well as an experimental project, I would like to create a short movie; animation projected on a pop-up book which tells different stories each time someone turns a page. On that note, following 4 weeks I will work on:

1. Scenario and storyboard
2. Mock-up
3. Animation for projection mapping
4. Movie

Pop-up debut

Yuri Endo 2011

Upon setting my heart on the virtual pop-up book idea, I created a paper city from a DIY template in order to understand the pop-up structure and its visual effects. Even with an already made model, the process of building a pop-up from one sheet of paper was much intricating than I had imagined, however, I believe it'll be highly possible to apply this concept to create a virtual version of one.

18 September 2011

Travel without moving

Scrabbles from my initial brainstorming session.

Throughout this summer, I had been lucky enough to take in numerous museums, art exhibitions and events in several countries. Many of the presented works were wondrous on the whole, to say the least, I was vastly inspired by some exhibition designs from lighting, frames, showcases to the uses of spaces. Therefore, I would like to dedicate my semester in this course to explore new possibilities of exhibition design, in other words, seek and evaluate inventive and interactive approaches for public installations by mixing real and 3D moving imageries.

On that note, my initial ideas are;

Pop-up book:
Utilizing the concept of paper pop-up books, an empty book displays 3D moving imageries each time someone turns a page.

Product installation:
3D product animation replaces an actual product and displays interactively in a box.

Fashion showcase:
3D product animation replaces an actual garment and a model.

14 September 2011

Takashi Kuribayashi_INBETWEEN

Yuri Endo 2011 a Takashi Kuribayashi exhibition @ Beyond Museum

The exhibition INBETWEEN by Takashi Kuribayashi mainly features his signature installation; the giant snow white floating forest made by Japanese paper and pulp which to meant to realise the rifts of the land surface and their borderlines and gives us a different perspective on viewing the forest from the forest floor.

Although the exhibition was rather smaller ( in number of works that were presented) than I had expected, I enjoyed the use of space and the floating forest. Additionally, some unique objects and paintings he presented besides the forest; Wooden Yatai, a mobile food stool and photograph like paintings of tree branches which can be inspirations for my upcoming projects. I especially liked the metal cooler with leaves locked up inside the huge block of ice, for its inexplicable aesthetic.